Compassion Subscription - September 2022

*Current subscribers, welcome to our new method for delivering valuable content to you regarding your Compassion Subscription.  Each month through these blog posts, we'll provide you information on the coffee you received in your subscription, including where it came from and what we are tasting.  We will also provide you impact stories so you know what your purchase is supporting.  Some months, these impact stories will focus on Compassion projects like the stories you have read through the past monthly inserts.  Some months, we will instead give insight into how this coffee is impacting farming communities or how our organization is Ending Human Trafficking.  The hope is that you can see the impact your purchase is having both through Compassion International and beyond the 20% fundraiser your purchase accomplishes.  We're excited to share all the ways your coffee is making a difference!*
The House Blend Compassion Subscription which changes seasonally is currently:
Ecuador, La Carolina and Honduras, Finca Terrerito
This month's coffee for the Roaster's Choice Compassion Subscription is a favorite of our customers:
Costa Rica, Tarrazu
In the Costa Rican coffee this month, we taste notes of brown sugar, plum and pumpkin bread. Such a great flavor combo to kick off fall 2022!

This month we want to highlight a story that is made possible through this coffee subscription. 
Meet Darling! She lives in Nicaragua, where she has grown up as a part of a Compassion funded center called Chosen Lineage. Though she has had a lot of ups and downs during her childhood, she counts Chosen Lineage as an integral part of her faith and success in the path she has chosen!


“The center helped me become the person I am today. It opened doors for me to grow spiritually, emotionally and academically. I learned the most important thing at the center and that is what has helped me come so far: I learned to love God above all else and to put my faith in Him.” – Darling, 19 years old

Because of her dedication to the Chosen Lineage Center, Darling was able to receive financial and personnel help with starting her own salon business. She has been able to outfit her house with all the necessary equipment and space to take in clients from her neighborhood right in the comfort of her own home. Without Compassion and Chosen Lineage Center, she would not have had the opportunity to attend secondary education or receive any business training. 

“The center offered me every opportunity to grow as a person and learn new skills. I wanted to learn everything!” says Darling, laughing. “The workshop that changed my life was the beauty workshop I participated in when I was in my teenage years. It helped me find my passion.”  -- Darling


This is the reason we have developed a relationship with Compassion International. To be able to support people like Darling in their efforts to explore their passions and be able to start a life sustaining business. 

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to this subscription. Stay tuned for next month's coffee, and enjoy the Costa Rican until then! 

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