The House Blend Compassion Subscription which changes seasonally is currently:
Nicaragua, Jinotega and Honduras, Finca Terrerito
This month's coffee for the Roaster's Choice Compassion Subscription is
El Salvador, Mapache Estate
In the Roaster's Choice coffee this month, we taste notes of apple juice, plum and cocoa nibs.
Compassion International has been present and active in El Salvador for 43 years and have served over 67,000 children. The country of El Salvador has been recovering from a 12 year civil war that mostly took place in the 1980's. Nutrition and education has been a focus of Compassions work, as the poverty level is far reaching.
At Compassion centers, children are given educational assistance designed to keep them engaged in school to help foster a desire to keep going. Older children learn entrepreneurial skills such as tailoring, baking, poultry production or fish farming, which provide them with better income-earning opportunities.
Life in poverty often makes families feel marginalized and misunderstood. Orlando, from El Salvador, will never forget how Compassions care network helped his family find hope through the educational support and medical care. Before Compassion came to his area, he was working as a scavenger. He searched trash piles for metal, plastics, electronics - anything he could sell to the recyclers. He grew used to the smell, but the judgement from those in his community was harder to ignore.

"At first it was embarrassing. People came out of their houses and stared at me, asking why I was poking around the trash," he says. "Many acquaintances at first looked down on me for poking around the trash. They made bad faces like they were disgusted by me. I just bowed my head and tried not to see them because it made me feel bad."
There are countless stories like Orlando's. The kind of poverty you see in places like El Salvador cause people to go to drastic measures, including ones that can create unhealthy situations, such as going through trash. Because of Compassion being in Orlando's community, each family is now supported by a loving team at the local child development center who understands their realities because the team members live in the community too. The hope that many of these families now hold on to is that the cycle of poverty will stop.
Thank you for you continued support and we hope you enjoy this months coffee.
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