*Current subscribers, welcome to our new method for delivering valuable content to you regarding your Compassion Subscription. Each month through these blog posts, we'll provide you information on the coffee you received in your subscription, including where it came from and what we are tasting. We will also provide you impact stories so you know what your purchase is supporting. Some months, these impact stories will focus on Compassion projects like the stories you have read through the past monthly inserts. Some months, we will instead give insight into how this coffee is impacting farming communities or how our organization is Ending Human Trafficking. The hope is that you can see the impact your purchase is having both through Compassion International and beyond the 20% fundraiser your purchase accomplishes. We're excited to share all the ways your coffee is making a difference!*
The House Blend Compassion Subscription which changes seasonally is currently:
Nicaragua, Jinotega and Honduras, Finca Terrerito
This month's coffee for the Roaster's Choice Compassion Subscription is
The Winter Blend (Honduras + Kenya)
In the Winter Blend we taste notes of chocolate covered oranges!

Every year we create a unique blend that we call the Winter Blend. We try to create a flavor profile that is reminiscent of the Holidays by picking coffees that compliment one another. Many of us are familiar with Terry's chocolate oranges... have you ever had one?

The joy of whacking the whole orange on a table to have many slices just like cutting up a real orange (check out some of the old commercials on YouTube). Well, this year, we tried to replicate the flavors of those nostalgic chocolate oranges.
We've partnered with Finca Terrerito again for this special Honduran coffee. They have continued to wow us with their spectacular quality and this one is no exception. It's rich and chocolatey with a medium body. The Kenyan coffee is one of our favorites from Long Miles Coffee Project that does not disappoint with its high acidity and bright citrus flavors. We hope you love this duo as much as we do!
We want to take a moment to say "Thank YOU!" We are truly grateful for your support for Compassion International, as well as for Three Tree. Enjoy the holidays this year, y'all! Embrace those around you and appreciate your many blessings. Cheers!
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